It occurred to me that we might ask God for specialized help today.
Almighty eternal God, who by Thy Word created the cosmos and set in motion all that has being, should it be pleasing to Thee, for the sake of our awe at Thy ineffable goodness revealed in the beauty of creation and for the increase of your praise and glory, send forth Thy holy angels both to clear the skies of clouds from the path of the shadow of the Moon as it sweeps across the nation, and also to prompt those who strive to view this wonder of our celestial clock to guard by prudent decisions their own eyes and to protect the vision of those under their care. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, ever one God, world without end. Amen.
When I rose this morning, I engaged my Starlight app and snapped the configuration of your planet’s star and largest satellite. The syzygy is on!
Here is the page from the calendar used in the Roman Curia.
You can see that it shows that there is a New Moon (which is the only way there could be total solar eclipse), and the Ave Maria is quite late.
A very cool post about eclipses with images from medieval manuscripts. As I said… very cool. HERE For example:
SpaceWeather has an amusing bit about viewing the eclipse indirectly by means of a pinhole projection… using a water cracker or biscuit, which has little holes.
Thus proving that you can have your eclipse and eat it too.
My host has decreed that the Sun is turning into Pac-Man. It’s hard to dispute. Then again, it has been awhile since I’ve seen Pac-Man.
How I miss these guys!
And now it’s time for CAPTAIN CORONA!
Well… just as totality came, so did the clouds. Rats. However, they were thin enough that we could see the total phase and the corona for a little bit. Then a thicker cloud came and that was that until the “diamond ring”.
I hope that where you are you will have a great view!